Nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are recognized as key factors in building and maintaining health and well-being. Improving nutrition is also a public health issue. What if the key to well-being was to adopt a varied and balanced diet over the long term? Here are our explanations. Don't forget that a balanced diet is not built on a single meal or a single day, but rather on the week. This is why there are no forbidden foods or miracle foods. It's all a question of choice and quantity.

Balanced diet

The food pyramid is a reference tool for approaching a balanced diet, it proposes a hierarchy and makes it possible to distinguish between foods to be favoured, those that are tolerated and those that are to be consumed occasionally. Not a meal without fruits and vegetables: These foods have real health benefits, they have a low energy density and are high in micronutrients, fibre and antioxidants. Fibres are our "appetite suppressant" allies, they help to stimulate the feeling of satiety and are essential to the proper functioning of the intestine because they are involved in the regulation of intestinal transit. => According to the first results of the Nutrinet santé study, the average dietary fibre intake is 18.8g/day in the French. This consumption remains insufficient with regard to nutritional recommendations because only 22% of men and 12% of women reach the threshold of 25g/day which is the recommended minimum.

"5 fruits and vegetables per day" what does this recommendation mean?

Often misunderstood by consumers, it means 5 portions of fruit and/or vegetables, for example 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit. One serving represents between 80 and 100 grams. One portion? One apple, one pear, one tomato, 15 grapes, ½ zucchini, 2 apricots, a handful of green beans, etc. Favour seasonal plants: they have many advantages: they are tastier, richer in vitamins and minerals and economical but also ecological.